Package org.nsdl.mptstore.query.component

Classes representing queries or parts of queries.


Interface Summary
NodeFilter<T extends Node> Represents a constraint on the value of a particular node pattern.
NodePattern<T extends Node> Represents a specified or unspecified (variable) in a query or pattern
QueryElement A component of a graph query.
TriplePattern Represents a pattern that defines matching triples.

Class Summary
BasicNodeFilter<T extends Node> Generic implementation of a NodeFilter.
BasicNodePattern<T extends Node> Generic implementation of NodePattern.
BasicTriplePattern Generic implementation of TriplePattern.
GraphPattern A set of concrete triple patterns and value constraints defining an RDF subgraph.
GraphQuery Representation of an RDF graph query.
MappableNodeFilter<T extends Node> Represents a constraint on the value of a particular mapped node pattern.
MappableNodePattern<T extends Node> Represents node pattern that can be mapped to a database object.
MappableNodePattern.Types Types of MappableNodePattern.
MappableTriplePattern Represents a pattern that defines matching triples.
MPTable Mapped Predicate Table.

Enum Summary
QueryElement.Type Possible element types.

Package org.nsdl.mptstore.query.component Description

Classes representing queries or parts of queries.